Sunday, February 10, 2013

Love is in the Air!

Happy Valentines Week!!  Our class party for Valentine's Day will be this Thursday at 10am.  Please check the list outside of our door if you would like to bring anything in for the party.  We will play a game, make a valentines craft, distribute our valentines, and have a special Valentine's lunch!  Parents are very welcome to join us for the fun!

Also, a big welcome to all of our new classmates!  Our classroom is a very busy place and although it may feel a little small at times, we are all working hard on our cooperation and being thoughtful of others.

In other news - In case you did not know, I have begun to finish my degree in Human Development with licensure in Early Childhood Education.  I hope to post more frequently on my blog to make up for any communication I may miss with parents face to face!  Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have at  That email is specifically for school and I check it frequently!   

A few quick reminders - 

~Please make sure you are dropping off and picking up your child's folder in the bin outside of our classroom door.  We send home important information in the folders and want to make sure everyone gets that info!  

~Although we are very lucky to have a fridge to place lunches in, the fridge is also used by the church for various functions.  This means at times there is not enough room for lunches to go in the fridge and while we try our very best to squeeze them in there, please put a cold pack in your child's lunch if it is perishable.  Double bagged ice cubes work great and I'll make sure to send the bags back home so they can be reused!

~Please sign in and out every day with our ProCare system.  If there is a problem with the fingerprint reader and you are unable to sign in on the computer, let Ms Shauna know.  I can generate a bypass code for you to sign in with.  If you have more than one child that you drop off or pick up or are listed as an authorized pick up for, they will appear on your screen when you sign in.  Simply click on any child you are NOT dropping off at that time (or picking up) and the system will not check that child in or out.  

Thank you!

Ms Shauna

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells!

Wow!  Can you believe that November is nearly over already?  I sure can't!  I'm working on keeping this blog updated much more often, sorry for any inconvenience my lack of updates may have caused!

Our class has been working very hard lately on learning the version of Jingle Bells we will be singing for the preschool performance on December 9th.  Here is the version we are learning if you'd like to sing it at home as well! - 

I will be working on more updates to our blog today and in the next few days!  Happy Wednesday everyone!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Picture Day tomorrow!!

Hi everyone!  I apologize for not updating more often, I have a few things to post over the next couple days but I wanted to remind everyone that tomorrow is Picture Day!

Here is the schedule for every class:

9am - Cuddly Critters, Ms. Pam & Ms. Donna
9:30am - Elevating Explorers, Ms. Steph & Ms. Dawn
10am - Giggling Gumballs, Ms. Julie & Ms. Michelle
10:30am - Fantastic Friends, Ms. Shauna

We would love for everyone to participate in picture day, even if it is not your scheduled day!  Siblings are welcome as well!

Keep an eye out for more posts coming up about what we're doing in our classroom!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

APC 2012-2013 Calendar

Here are the important dates you'll want to keep in mind for this school year!

Welcome to the Fantastic Friends Forest!

It's back to school time!  Welcome to our Fantastic Friends Forest!  Ms. Shauna will be using this blog to post important information and to share what we are doing day to day!  Please bookmark this site so you can stay up to date with all the Fantastic Friends!